To book an event please click the ‘Book’ button on each event page. This will take you through to Eventbrite where you can make a secure payment. Each event has a maximum number of tickets so if no ‘Book’ button appears then the event is sold out. Please note that some events will carry a booking fee.

Payment by cheque
You are welcome to pay for an event by cheque, made payable to Dilettanti and sent to the address below, enclosing a stamped addressed envelope.

Terms and conditions
Regretfully no refunds can be made, but a substitute guest is welcome. Dilettanti reserves the right to cancel or alter any lecture or visit. Dilettanti takes no responsibility for any personal loss or injury whatsoever incurred on or during any of its events.

Getting in touch
Dilettanti, 44 Paddenswick Road, London W6 OUB
Tel 020 8749 7096